All posts by Blake Swopes

Blake Swopes is a disabled former Linux Systems Administrator from Southern California. Due to chronic pain, he can no longer spend much time on a keyboard, so this site has become largely archival.


Scale 7.0 is coming!

To my geek friends who may be interested… of which, most don’t read my livejournal… oh well…

Anyway, one of my guys, Ilan Rabinovitch runs the Southern California Linux Expo ) and it is soon to be making its 7th appearance. This will be in LA between Feb 20 and 22.

Also making an appearance is one of our developers, Shawn Anderson, who will be presenting about Ruby.

They’re both great guys, very bright… So if you can, come on out and support them.


A friend seemed down… I had no choice but to unleash… BABY LEMUR SHOCK AND AWE!

Fear teh cute ones.

The problem with tracking user history…

I was downloading album covers for itunes with a widget and trying to find an album called Groove or something… next thing I know, I’ve misclicked and ended up on amazon, browsing “How Stella got her groove back”. And now, when I go there, amazon pops up to show me that its one of the recent things I looked at and hey, other people who looked at “How Stella…” also were interested in “Waiting to Exhale” but like, I just fucking misclicked, damnit. Stella can keep her groove, I don’t want it (Nothing against Angela Bassett, she was fairly hot in Strange Days).

Penny Arcade

The guys at penny arcade kick so much ass. They took a webcomic, turned it into one of the most popular on the interwebs which has lasted 10 years… and from that they spawned an annual convention, a scholarship, and a charity that brought in 1.4 million bucks last year.

Home ownership.

Owning a house is an odd thing. You find yourself interested in things you never would have expected… Like, I just spent the last hour or two reading about attic ventilation and consulting the inspection report from when I bought the house… Or finding myself involved in conversations about trees and bushes.

I’m not sure, but I think I have a dutch gable roof, which I like the look of but may be a bad idea given that this is a windy area. My current point of irritation is, I think, a barrel dormer vent, which is noisy as all fuck in windy conditions. I’m not sure if the vent needs to be closed off or modified, or if maybe there’s a fan inside that vent which is getting blown the wrong way and complaining… I’ve asked my folks to send their roofer over to take a look. I hope he can find an answer.

I should find a way to measure the wind that is hitting my house.