
February 17, 2000 @ 9PM PST - #hackerz_exile on dalnet
<\\BLUE\\> hehe
 <\\BLUE\\> um
 <_Smurfs_> ok Entity_Imperturbable later
 <_Smurfs_> hahahah
 <\\BLUE\\> yes
 <\\BLUE\\> Fade_To_Death, might be having some problems
 <\\BLUE\\> i'm not sure
 <\\BLUE\\> g00k is just starting up
 <\\BLUE\\> heh
 <_Smurfs_> hahahaha
 <\\BLUE\\> hey SMURF Fade_To_Death...
 <_Smurfs_> ??? BloodClots [[email protected]] has joined #hacking4newbies
 <Fade_To_Death> Actually I am.
 <\\BLUE\\> heh
 <_Smurfs_> hahah
 <_Smurfs_> Fade_To_Death hi :)
 <_Smurfs_> you there
 <Fade_To_Death> It's called being sick and tired and I'm going to bed.
 <Fade_To_Death> Feel free to try and ping other people to feel all cool and stuff. 'k?
 <Fade_To_Death> g'nite gold
 <Golden_Eternity> Night
 <_Smurfs_> ok
 <_Smurfs_> hahahaha
 Fade_To_Death [[email protected]] has quit IRC (Quit: I'm sick and if guys wanna find some real fun people go to #hackerz_exile - Trust me...)
 <\\BLUE\\> lol
 <_Smurfs_> Entity_Imperturbable you there
 <_Smurfs_> hahhaha
 <\\BLUE\\> hehe
 <\\BLUE\\> hey smurf
 <\\BLUE\\> Golden_Eternity will take some werk
 <\\BLUE\\> help me on him
 <_Smurfs_> \\BLUE\\ how do i get u a account
 <\\BLUE\\> useradd infol0ck
 <_Smurfs_> ok
 <_Smurfs_> hahaha
 <_Smurfs_> he is on a cable
 <\\BLUE\\> or adduser
 <_Smurfs_> but the telnet is all messed up
 <_Smurfs_> ??? CTCP PING reply from Golden_Eternity: 4.000 seconds
 <_Smurfs_> Entity_Imperturbable man where you go
 <_Smurfs_> hahah
 <\\BLUE\\> hehe
 <\\BLUE\\> damnit
 <\\BLUE\\> Golden_Eternity, will be tough, help me
 <\\BLUE\\> smurf his ass
 Entity_Imperturbable [[email protected]] has quit IRC (Read/Dead Error: SendQ Exceeded)
 <_Smurfs_> hahahahhahaah
 <_Smurfs_> shit
 <_Smurfs_> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the colors !!!!!!!!!!!1
 \\BLUE\\ [[email protected]] has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
 <_Smurfs_> ??? SignOff Entity_Imperturbable: #hackerz_exile (Read/Dead Error: SendQ Exceeded)
 \\BLUE\\ [[email protected]] has joined #Hackerz_Exile
 <_Smurfs_> shit
 <_Smurfs_> what happen
 <_Smurfs_> ??? SignOff Entity_Imperturbable: #hackerz_exile (Read/Dead Error: SendQ Exceeded)
 <\\BLUE\\> heheheh
 <\\BLUE\\> too much
 <\\BLUE\\> configured my toolz all wrong
 <\\BLUE\\> i saw
 <\\BLUE\\> hehe
 <\\BLUE\\> too much udp power
 <_Smurfs_> ok
 <_Smurfs_> hahahhhaha
 <_Smurfs_> on who
 <_Smurfs_> ?
 <_Smurfs_> hehe
 <\\BLUE\\> Golden_Eternity
 <\\BLUE\\> heh..
 <\\BLUE\\> smurf him
 <_Smurfs_> dammit Golden_Eternity is on a cable
 <_Smurfs_> haha
 <\\BLUE\\> yes
 <\\BLUE\\> so, 2 on 1
 <\\BLUE\\> hehe
 <_Smurfs_> hehehe
 <_Smurfs_> ok there
 Entity_Imperturbable [[email protected]] has joined #Hackerz_Exile
 <_Smurfs_> hahahahahahaahahahahahaha
 GIGAWATT [[email protected]] has joined #Hackerz_Exile
 <_Smurfs_> siht
 <_Smurfs_> not the magic script
 <\\BLUE\\> hehe
 <_Smurfs_> hahahahaah
 <\\BLUE\\> yo _Smurfs_
 <_Smurfs_> hahahahahahahaahahah
 <\\BLUE\\> are you helpin with Golden_Eternity?
 <_Smurfs_> (M?g?? ????t)
 <_Smurfs_> (M?g?? ????t)
 <_Smurfs_> (M?g?? ????t)
 <_Smurfs_> yes
 <\\BLUE\\> [Golden_Eternity Ping reply]: 2 secs
 <_Smurfs_> yes
 <\\BLUE\\> get your cable on him
 <\\BLUE\\> udp
 <\\BLUE\\> hehe
 <_Smurfs_> my cable dun work on this
 <_Smurfs_> haha
 <\\BLUE\\> get on win
 <_Smurfs_> Flooding (. = 25 outgoing packets)
 <_Smurfs_> haha
 <_Smurfs_> dammit
 <_Smurfs_> hhaa
 <_Smurfs_> GIGAWATT hey
 <_Smurfs_> hahahaha
 <_Smurfs_> hahahahaha
 <_Smurfs_> hehehee
 <_Smurfs_> Golden_Eternity dammit
 <_Smurfs_> you there
 <GIGAWATT> security and exploits that kinda stuff
 <_Smurfs_> GIGAWATT ???? what you mean
 <_Smurfs_> hey you got a Broadcast ip list man
 <GIGAWATT> the latest on hackers news and such
 <_Smurfs_> GIGAWATT what you mean
 <\\BLUE\\> LOL!
 <\\BLUE\\> i'm outta here
 <_Smurfs_> hahahahaah
 <\\BLUE\\> _Smurfs_ #mirchack
 <\\BLUE\\> _Smurfs_ #mirchack
 <\\BLUE\\> _Smurfs_ #mirchack
 <\\BLUE\\> _Smurfs_ #mirchack
 <\\BLUE\\> _Smurfs_ #mirchack
 <_Smurfs_> ok
 \\BLUE\\ [[email protected]] has left #Hackerz_Exile
 GIGAWATT [[email protected]] has left #Hackerz_Exile
 _Smurfs_ [[email protected]] has left #Hackerz_Exile
 _Smurfs_ [email protected] * : none
 _Smurfs_ :#hackerz_exile +#hacking4newbies
 _Smurfs_ shiva.va.us.dal.net :try to save myself but myself keeps slipping away
 _Smurfs_ :End of /WHOIS list.
 Looking up 1Cust153.tnt2.auburn.wa.da.uu.net...
 Name: 1Cust153.tnt2.auburn.wa.da.uu.net
 Process Complete
 \\BLUE\\ [email protected] * : Xpl0it
 \\BLUE\\ :#hackerz_exile #hacking4newbies @#wolfclan
 \\BLUE\\ vancouver.bc.ca.dal.net :Internet Direct, Western Canada
 \\BLUE\\ :End of /WHOIS list.
 Looking up cr512148-a.crdva1.bc.wave.home.com...
 Name: cr512148-a.crdva1.bc.wave.home.com
 Process Complete
 GIGAWATT [email protected] * : matt rose
 GIGAWATT :#Hackerwurld
 GIGAWATT splitrock.tx.us.dal.net :Splitrock Internet Services www.splitrock.net
 gigawatt :End of /WHOIS list.
 Looking up usr10-dialup40.mix1.WillowSprings.cw.net...
 Name: usr10-dialup40.mix1.WillowSprings.cw.net
 Process Complete
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