October 12, 2000

I quaked last night across the lan with space and james… We’re teaching james TF. Started him out as hwguy so he wouldn’t have to slow down when he changed to a different class. Moved him to soldier for a while, then pyro… He likes being zippy.

I was pulling off some trick stuff against those two. Space was giving me a run for the money, though. He was real tough as demoman last night, and he played medic for a little while too (didn’t pound me quite as badly that way)…

It’d basically go like this… I’d get charged by both of them, I’d maybe toss a rocket or a gren at james to distract him while I went after space (who was my real concern), hopefully whack space, then clean up what was left of james…

My favorite skirmish was in the entryway of 2fort5r… I was battling them both, and I’d tossed hit them both with a couple rockets. I went into reload and if I didn’t finish them I was dead, but I was priming a gren… I hoped, I waited, and just as they draw close enough to each other, I tossed the gren and splattered them both.

I love it when a plan comes together.

Oh, I think james did pretty well, by the way… He has a few things to work on, but its stuff *everyone* has trouble with… moving around enough while fighting, and watching out for grens…

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