October 10, 2000

Oh, I spent some more time playing quake again today… My second day of quake in months, and I’m gettin’ my groove back… I had some fun on this server, pounding a couple snipers… it was a fairly empty server running 2fort5. I had this neat run where I’d run up to the enemy sniper deck, take out a couple snipers, drop down, clear them out of the entry room, then back up to the sniper deck again…

For this I got called a camper repeatedly (complete with a four line, ascii drawing of a tent)… Which kinda ruined the fun… I have a hard time seeing how I was camping what with the running all over the map thing, never staying in the same spot… But I guess it makes people feel better to justify getting pounded by blaming it on bad conduct…

It actually was kinda fun when the tent guy switched to soldier and started pounding on me… He was better than I was, and I got fragged a lot, but it was fun… then my teammate started complaining that the tent guy was using auto-aim… I can’t say for sure whether he was or not, but all his rockets did nail exactly at my feet, never going astray, and he did have some damn good reflexes…

If he was using auto-aim, that sucks… But it was good practice in any case… I don’t think I’m a great quake player, I’m decent… I know there are tons of people out there that I don’t stand a chance against… I’ve been pounded really hard by scouts and medics of all things over the last two days… but its been fun. And that’s what matters.

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