Strange moment during physical therapy today. I was rubbing my shoulder and the girl asked me what was up. Told her it hurt… blah blah… and I decided to just get on with my exercises so I made what I thought was a dismissive comment; I said “eh, everything hurts” *shrug*.
She didn’t take it as lightly as I meant though.
“That’s so sad.”
Wait, it is?
I’m always in pain… Isn’t everyone?
[EDIT: James informs me that in fact, no, its not supposed to hurt.]
A couple months back, I heard some guy explaining how he had had surgery and what it was like to be put under anaesthesia. Apparently none of them had been before. I’ve had… *counts* seven counting oral surgery and a closed reduction on my arm.
I traveled with a friend once who told me that she had never been in so much pain she wished she were dead.
I saw kids on “43 things” who wanted to break a bone, some for the experience and others to get out of PE. I’ve broken more than I can remember. Maybe 16? More?
More and more it seems like nobody (other than you) has any idea of what its like to deal with a body that just doesn’t work right.