All posts by Blake Swopes

Blake Swopes is a disabled former Linux Systems Administrator from Southern California. Due to chronic pain, he can no longer spend much time on a keyboard, so this site has become largely archival.

September 2, 2000

I changed the forum display page… its now based off the code from the journal page. I’m not too thrilled at both of them having the same feel, though. But it was better than the original forum display thingie. I’ll tweak with it a bit (of course) and see what I can do. Perhaps I’ll be able to entice BitterKid to provide me some nifty graphics/buttons for the Forum. (Hint, hint) 😉

I seem to have settled on black as the background color scheme for my CGI’s… the greenish background is the main bhodisoft site, and the grey pages mark the ~bswopes pages. Archived pages in the bswopes directory retain their original backgrounds, and so don’t comply to this scheme.

September 1, 2000

kewpie linked me on her site… “th1s d00d 1s n34t0!” Its not quite the “fucking brilliant” that BitterKid got, but well… Heh, I rock. ;D

(Yes, I realize that’s the basic content of every third journal entry… I have low-self esteem and I compensate for it by creating a false ego. Deal. ;P )

August 30, 2000

You know, its not easy being so fucking cool all the time… or constantly being right when everyone around you is wrong. But you survive, you adjust. You try to keep things low-key… not show off what a badass you are. But eventually it gets out, and you’ve got all the worshiping and shit… Not that I mind a little one on one worship with a hottie… or two on one even… hell, why put limits on the hotties? What am I saying? Umm…

Its good to be the king.

August 30, 2000

I fear some terrible humour has befallen myself and all of my compatriots. We are all showing the straign. Too much hard living, too much pain, too much sorrow. I prey that war may set some things right; give us the time we need to center ourselves, once again.